ASHRAE Pyramids Chapter Media Center, you can check the available videos of Pyramids Chapter Technology Transfer Committees session, seminars, and Technical Talks, as well as interviews with industry leaders in the HVAC industry in Egypt
MTG.ASEC will coordinate development of credible quantification methodologies of the avoided electric power generation and/or primary energy consumptions resulting from the application of heat pump and waste energy recovery technologies. Responsibilities of the MTG include the development of research and/or tool needs and development of technical programs.
Ability to quantify avoided source energy reduction or recovery potentially impacts any building efficiency analysis. This MTG have a potential to significantly impact a number of other TCs including 1.5, 2.5, 2.8, 4.7, 5.5, 6.2, 6.8, 6.9, 7.4, 7.6, 8.7, 8.11 and potentially more. Efforts have been made to interface with all of these TCs to discuss the potential development in this MTG.
MTG.EEC will coordinate the related activities of TCs and non-TC groups and provide guidance to the ASHRAE membership, manufacturers and end-users on how to classify air filter energy efficiency and the key factors affecting energy usage associated with the proper use of air filtration in new and existing buildings. MTG.EEC is concerned with the nature of particulate and gaseous contaminants, the means of removing unwanted contaminants from the air, the effectiveness, energy efficiency, life cycle cost and sustainable operation of such air cleaning equipment but does not include UVC devices for use in air handling units or air ducts to inactivate airborne microorganisms, which are the province of TC2.9 and SPC 185.
Name |
Position on MTG |
Voting |
Representing |
Christine Sun |
Chair |
Y |
Self |
Phillip Winters |
Vice Chair |
Y |
Self |
Nick Agopian |
Secretary – TC 2.3 Member |
Y |
Member representing TC 2.3 |
Monroe Britt |
TC 2.4 Member |
Y |
Member representing TC 2.4 |
Robert Burkhead |
TC 5.4 Member |
Y |
Member representing TC 5.4 |
Timothy Peglow |
SSPC 90.1 |
Y |
Member representing SSPC 90.1 |
Alan Veeck |
NAFA Member |
Y |
Member representing NAFA |
Pawel Wargocki |
EHC Member |
Y |
Member representing EHC |
Jeffrey Boldt |
Alternate #1 – SSPC 90.1 |
N |
SSPC 90.1 Alternate member |
Ken Snider |
Alternate #1 – TC 2.4 |
N |
TC 2.4 Alternate member |
Brad Stanley |
Alternate #1 – TC 2.3 |
N |
TC 2.3 Alternate member |
Mark Stutman |
Alternate #2 – TC 2.3 |
N |
TC 2.3 Alternate member |
Zuraimi Sultan |
Alternate #1– EHC |
N |
EHC Alternate member |
Jack Zarour |
Alternate |
N |
Self |
MTG.EEC typically meets on Tuesday mornings from 8-10 during Society meetings. Web/Conf. call meetings are also scheduled every two-three months typically.
Terms of Use/Sign-Up
MTG – Energy Targets (MTG-ET) will implement the recommendations from the Energy Targets Ad-hoc committee report dated September 21, 2010. This includes coordinating efforts in education, modeling, research, standard, marketing, advocacy, fund raising, and Advanced Energy Design Guide (AEDG) development efforts within the Society. Research project initiation as the sponsoring committee is included in the scope of this MTG.
Name |
Position on MTG |
Voting |
Representing |
Rick Hermans |
Chair |
Y |
Self |
Jim Fields |
Vice Chair |
Y |
Self |
Don Brandt |
Professional Development Committee Member |
Y |
Professional Development Committee |
Don Colliver |
AEDG Steering Committee Member |
Y |
AEDG Steering Committee |
Dave Conover |
SPC 105 Member |
Y |
SPC 105 Member |
Dru Crawley |
SPC 189.1 Member |
Y |
SPC 189.1 Member |
Martha Hewett |
RAC Member |
Y |
Randall Jones |
Research Promotion Member |
Y |
Research Promotion |
Doug Reindl |
Standards Committee Member |
Y |
Standards Committee |
The following seven task areas will encompass the efforts of MTG.ET:
The education task is to develop a comprehensive education program in conjunction with the Professional Development Committee to promote a common understanding of the Energy Utilization Intensity metric (EUI), as defined through consensus with Std 105, 90.1 and 100 among ASHRAE members and the public.
The research task is to refresh and update the information in NREL/TP-550-41957 “Assessment of the Technical Potential for Achieving Net Zero-Energy Buildings in the Commercial Sector” which was prepared by NREL in 2007.
The Standards task is to partner with SSPC 90.1 and SSPC 189.1 leadership in preparation of new work plans for these committees with the goal of developing performance parameters within the work plans. The Ad Hoc report is clear in its recommendation not to impose specific EUI targets on these standards but rather offers suggestions for the committees to consider when preparing for their respective efforts in the next publication cycle.
The marketing task is to prepare a series of articles for various publications which describe the efforts and goals of MTG.ET. These articles should be offered to the ASHRAE Journal, HPAC, CS&E, the NEWS, and others as needed to get the word out on the progress of the implementation effort.
The AEDG task is to work with the AEDG Steering Committee in the development of a plan for the production of the Net-Zero series of design guides. The purpose of providing this assistance is to impress upon our partner organizations that the AEDGs are the mechanism which will fulfill the Vision 2020 goal of providing design guidance for net-zero energy buildings by 2020.
The advocacy task is to work with the Advocacy Committee in the preparation of Public Policy Position Briefs for use by the Society leadership in its relations with State and Federal governments.
The fundraising task is to raise several million dollars to fund the research and the development of the Net-Zero AEDGs.
MTG.ET currently meets as required between Society meetings via conference call and web meetings.
Terms of Use/Sign-Up
MTG.EAS will coordinate activities of related ASHRAE technical and standards committees to facilitate development of packages of tools, technology, and guidelines related to the design, operation, and retrofit of energy-efficient air-handling systems in new and existing non-residential buildings. The intent is that these products can be integrated with industry processes and can be used to ensure that ASHRAE energy saving targets are met, to carry out high-profile demonstrations of improved air-handling systems, and to identify further energy saving opportunities.
Within ASHRAE, the MTG also will coordinate activities to update related parts of ASHRAE Handbooks and Standards (particularly 62.1, 90.1, and 189.1) and to develop related education programs for technology implementers. Outside of ASHRAE, the MTG will monitor related activities and represent ASHRAE interests where permitted to provide a conduit for related information transfer to ASHRAE members.
MTG.EAS is concerned with the interactions between non-residential air-handling system components, the building, and related activities, which include at least the activities of:
Name |
Position on MTG |
Voting |
Representing |
Members: |
Herman Behls |
Chair |
Y |
Self |
Craig Wray |
Vice Chair |
Y |
Self |
Hoy Bohanon |
Member |
Y |
TC 5.5 |
Jeffrey Boldt |
Member |
Y |
SSPC 90.1 |
Antonio Bouza |
Member |
Y |
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) |
Peyton Collie |
Member |
Y |
TC 7.2 |
Leonard Damiano |
Member |
Y |
TC 1.4 & SSPC 62.1 |
Curtis Eichelberger |
Member |
Y |
TC 2.6 |
Julie Ferguson |
Member |
Y |
TC 8.10 |
John Filler |
Member |
Y |
TC 5.3 |
Jeff Haberl |
Member |
Y |
TC 4.7 |
Armin Hauer |
Member |
Y |
TC 1.11 |
Michael Ivanovich |
Member |
Y |
Michael King |
Member |
Y |
TC 7.1 |
Andrew Krioukov |
Member |
Y |
i4Energy |
Josephine Lau |
Member |
Y |
TC 4.3 |
Jeff Miller |
Member |
Y |
California Energy Commission (CEC) |
Mark Modera |
Member |
Y |
TC 6.3 |
John A. Murphy |
Member |
Y |
TC 5.1 |
Kenneth Peet |
Member |
Y |
TC 7.9 |
Robert Reid |
Member |
Y |
Gaylon Richardson |
Member |
Y |
TC 7.7 & SPC 111 |
Jerry Sipes |
Member |
Y |
SPC 200 |
Larry Smith |
Member |
Y |
TC 5.2 |
Dennis Stanke |
Member |
Y |
SSPC 189.1 |
Alternates: |
Bass Abushakra |
Alternate #1 |
N |
TC 4.7 |
Darren Alexander |
Alternate #1 |
N |
TC 5.3 |
Joseph Anderson |
Alternate #1 |
N |
TC 7.9 |
Oliver Baumann |
Alternate #1 |
N |
TC 7.1 |
Joseph Brooks |
AMCA Alternate #1 |
N |
Chuck Coward |
Alternate #1 |
N |
TC 1.4 |
David Culler |
Alternate #1 |
N |
i4Energy |
Erik Emblem |
Alternate #1 |
N |
TC 5.2 |
Radha Krishna Ganesh |
Alternate #1 |
N |
TC 5.1 |
Krishnan Gowri |
Alternate - #2 |
N |
TC 7.1 |
Kenneth Groeschel |
Alternate #1 |
N |
Richard Lord |
Alternate #1 |
N |
SSPC 189.1 |
Michael McLaughlin |
Alternate - #1 |
N |
TC 7.2 |
Dustin Eric Jason Meredith |
Alternate #1 |
N |
TC 2.6 |
Ronnie Moffitt |
Alternate #1 |
N |
TC 5.5 |
Marc Duy-Minh Neufcourt |
Alternate #1 |
N |
SSPC 200 |
Bo Shen |
Alternate #1 |
N |
TC 6.3 |
Bill Stout |
Alternate #1 |
N |
Liaisons: |
Walter Grondzik |
Liaison |
N |
TAC Chair |
Dan Int-Hout |
Liaison |
N |
Section Head |
Michael Vaughn |
Liaison |
N |
Staff Liaison |
ASHRAE has goals of creating technologies and design approaches that enable the construction of net zero energy buildings at low incremental cost, and also of ensuring that the efficiency gains resulting from related R&D will result in substantial reduction in energy use for both new and existing buildings.
HVAC systems are the largest energy consumer in U.S. non-residential buildings, consuming about 40% of the non-residential sector source energy in Year 2003 or about $44 billion. Moving air to provide ventilation and space-conditioning may consume about a third to a half of this energy. Clearly, efficient air-handling systems that use as little energy as possible are needed for ASHRAE to achieve its goals.
Although the energy efficiency of many HVAC components in non-residential buildings has improved substantially over the past 20 years (e.g., chillers, air-handler drives), there is still a need to make other equally critical components more efficient (e.g., the air distribution system, which links heating and cooling equipment to occupied spaces). For example, field tests in hundreds of small non-residential buildings and a few large non-residential buildings suggest that system air leakage is widespread and large. It is often 25 to 35% of system airflow in smaller buildings, and can be as large as 10 to 25% in larger buildings. Based on field measurements and simulations by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, it is estimated that system leakage alone can increase HVAC energy consumption by 20 to 30% in small buildings and 10 to 40% in large buildings. Ducts located in unconditioned spaces, excessive flow resistance at duct fittings, poorly configured and improperly sized air-handler fans, unnecessarily high duct-static-pressure set-points, leaky terminal boxes, and inefficient terminal unit fans further reduce system efficiency, and in turn increase HVAC energy consumption even more.
There is no single cause for system deficiencies. One cause is that the HVAC industry is generally unaware of the large performance degradations caused by deficiencies, and consequently the problems historically have received little attention. For example, a common myth is that supply air leaking from a variable-air-volume (VAV) duct system in a ceiling return plenum of a large non-residential building does not matter because the ducts are inside the building. In fact, however, the supply ducts are outside the conditioned space, the leakage short-circuits the air distribution system, supply fan airflow increases to compensate for the undelivered thermal energy, and power to operate the fan increases considerably (power scales with the flow raised to an exponent between two and three depending on system type).
Other causes of the deficiencies include a lack of suitable analytical tools for designers (e.g., VAV systems are common in large non-residential buildings, but most mainstream simulation tools cannot model air leakage from these systems), poor architectural and mechanical design decisions (e.g., ducts with numerous bends are used to serve many zones with incompatible occupancy types), poor installation quality (e.g., duct joints are poorly sealed downstream of terminal boxes and in exhaust systems), and the lack of reliable diagnostic tools and procedures for commissioning (e.g., industry-standard duct leakage test procedures cannot easily be used for ducts downstream of terminal boxes). The highly fragmented nature of the building industry means that progress toward solving these problems is unlikely without leadership from and collaboration within ASHRAE.
Separate opportunities already exist to save 25 to 50% of HVAC system energy (e.g., sealing system leakage, right-sizing ducts and fans, using duct static pressure reset, wireless conversion of CAV systems to VAV). Collectively, facilitation and coordination of industry efforts is needed to better capture these opportunities and preferably to address system interactions and optimize air-handling system energy efficiency, with the ultimate goal of reducing HVAC-related energy use in buildings.
Therefore, one objective of MTG.EAS is to coordinate the development and assembly of complete packages of tools, technology, and guidelines by individual TC/TG/TRG/MTG/SPC/SSPCs. A second objective is to initiate high-profile demonstrations of the packages to attract the attention of major players, and to transition the packages into the market through public-private partnerships. These efforts should include working with industry partners to update ASHRAE Handbooks and Standards, and to develop education programs for technology implementers so that the design, installation, and commissioning of energy efficient air-handling systems becomes standard practice.
MTG.EAS intends to develop a strategic plan to guide future activities. As a straw man for now, five areas with particular needs that the MTG might address are:
Several steps are needed to achieve accurate, cost effective diagnostic tests. One is to evaluate the applicability and reliability of recently developed distribution system leakage diagnostics for use in non-residential buildings and for system configurations that are gaining in popularity (e.g., under floor supply air distribution in larger buildings). A second is to develop reliable, less expensive ways to measure other air-handling system airflows (e.g., for fans). A third is to assess the applicability and acceptance of diagnostic tools and tests as training and quality control aids for the building industry, and a fourth is to initiate commercialization and standardization of these tools and tests.
ASHRAE Standard 152 calculation methods need to be extended to include non-residential buildings and to address air-handling system efficacy (i.e., thermal comfort) issues. Together with the measurements described below, modeling and analyses of air-handling system impacts on energy use and indoor environmental quality need to be carried out to establish baselines for standards and technical targets that are technologically feasible and economically justified over the life of the system, and to verify over time that program targets are being achieved. Standardized procedures for verifying whether targets are met also need to be developed.
More field data need to be collected about the physical characteristics of air-handling systems in existing buildings, and there is a need to demonstrate performance gains that are actually obtained by system improvements. Also, research is needed to determine the long-term durability of system sealants. New information about diagnostics and performance needs to be integrated into improved versions of current system sealing and insulation retrofit manuals for small building owners and HVAC contractors (and into new manuals for use in the large building sector).
Even though numerous publications about HVAC system design, testing, and balancing are available or are in preparation, none address the use of appropriate metrics and procedural guidelines for designing and commissioning energy efficient air-handling systems. ASHRAE guidelines about design and installation practices need to be developed to avoid problems that occur in the current non-residential building stock. Stand-alone guidelines for use by building designers, owners, and HVAC contractors describing how to commission air-handling systems also need to be developed.
New air-handling system technologies that allow life-cycle cost effective reduction in energy use while meeting indoor environmental quality and sustainability requirements for non-residential buildings need to be developed. Aerodynamic improvements are needed to reduce system effects and to make fans and other components less susceptible to loss of efficiency during part load operation. Integration of air-handling, hydronic, and building systems needs further examination. Proof of concept prototypes need to be built in collaboration with equipment manufacturers, and then will need to be tested in the laboratory and in the field to demonstrate performance improvements and to support the development of related new standards.
The MTG is intended to be an active collaborative effort. It currently consists of 42 members: 25 Voting Members, and 18 Alternates. A member's involvement is at a strategic level, and focuses on coordinating research, handbook, program, and standards activities of various technical groups and organizations. Meetings occur by webinars and conference calls before and after ASHRAE's Winter and Annual Conferences, so participation does not involve travel.
MTG-EAS_Conf Call Minutes 2_5Dec2012.doc
MTG-EAS_Conf Call Minutes 3 23May2013-1.doc
MTG-EAS_Conf Call Minutes 4 20March2014-1.doc
List of MTG.EAS Ideas.20May2014
Terms of Use/Sign-Up
MTG.ISPAQE will coordinate the research project which will assess/identify the factors affecting air quality problems at indoor swimming pools including: air handling/ air distribution system design and operation; water quality/water chemistry; pool water treatment operation and maintenance; pool types( flat water, agitated water, hot water); bather load; and evaporation rates of indoor pools to recommend changes to the ASHRAE 62.1 ventilation rate and update the evaporation formula in the HVAC Applications ASHRAE Handbook.
This task force will have a direct impact on the activities of the 62.1 technical committees, TC 8.10 Dehumidifiers and TC 9.8 Large Building Air-Conditioning Applications as well as the CDC sponsored Model Aquatic Health Code (MAHC) code for design and operation of indoor pools.
MTG.O&MEE will coordinate TC/TG/TRG activities to help support the application of ASHRAE guidelines, Standards and other technical resources to support regulatory bodies, utilities, building owners and others who are attempting to enhance efficiency of existing buildings. Responsibilities include suggestions for research, development and presentation of technical programs of all types on maintenance and its impact on energy consumption and efficiency. It will be especially involved with interactions with those who are introducing and evaluating strategies for building efficiency enhancements. This MTG will maintain interface with and call on the resources of TCs in Sections 2, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9 and maintain an especially close relationship with Standards 90.1 & 2. It will also maintain a relationship with GGAC. It will both draw on their knowledge and contribute areas of interest that it may be productive for them to consider.