ASHRAE Pyramids Chapter Media Center, you can check the available videos of Pyramids Chapter Technology Transfer Committees session, seminars, and Technical Talks, as well as interviews with industry leaders in the HVAC industry in Egypt
Click on the below for more information on each task group.
MTG.ACR will coordinate TC/TG/TRG/SSPC technical activities to help evaluate the technical basis and adoption of airflow rate specifications in terms of Air Change Rate (ACR) or Air Changes per Hour (ACH) for spaces such as cleanrooms, laboratories, patient rooms, operating rooms, and other similar spaces. Responsibilities include the development of research projects, development and presentation of technical programs for all types of spaces which currently require ACR specifications, and a special publication detailing aspects of the ACR philosophy and practice. The work of this MTG will potentially impact design guidelines, ASHRAE Handbook, and related ASHRAE standards. This MTG intends to involve other national and international groups and organizations in these efforts.
Cleanrooms, laboratories, and healthcare spaces including patient rooms, airborne infection isolation rooms, operating rooms and other similar facilities are required to maintain anywhere between 4 to 300 Air Changes per Hour (ACH). Guidelines, codes, and standards for such specifications are traditionally based on judgment of experienced practitioners. Since the ACH specification involves “volume” of the space which tend to penalize spaces with high ceilings without explicit supporting scientific justification. With increased emphasis on energy efficiency and associated costs of HVAC operations it is important to evaluate the basis of such specifications. The underlying principles of contaminant dilution and removal are similar across most of the different applications. While keeping the safety of people and products as a primary goal, this group will conduct systematic investigations through rational analysis, literature reviews, and research to determine the appropriate basis for the specification of dilution airflow rates for these applications. Additionally, this group will attempt to find a common - basis for dilution airflow specifications to different applications such as cleanrooms, laboratories, and healthcare facilities. Where scientific basis cannot be definitively identified, research activities will be proposed through the ASHRAE research process.
This group will bring together expertise from various ASHRAE groups (TC 9.02, TC9.06, TC9.10, TC9.11, SSPC 62.1, SSPC 170) and from other non-ASHRAE organizations (see below) to work in close collaboration to achieve the following objectives:
Also note this group would not be limited to ventilation and infiltration studies as in the scope of TC4.3. Activities of this group would help in optimizing the use of ASHRAE resources including ASHRAE research funds by avoiding duplicate efforts among different TCs. Findings of the research and literature review will be disseminated through special publications, ASHRAE Handbooks, ASHRAE conferences and other special conferences on the subject. The outcome of these efforts will be communicated to ASHRAE standards committees, regulatory authorities, and other similar organizations to facilitate any modifications in their codes and standards.
Name |
Committee Position |
Voting |
Representing |
TC Name |
Alternate |
Mr. Kishor Khankari |
Chair |
Y |
Mr. Roland Charneux |
Vice Chair |
Y |
Mr. Henry Hays |
Member |
Y |
TC 2.2 |
Plant and Animal Environment |
Ms. Carol Donovan |
Mr. Bob Burkhead |
Member |
Y |
TC 2.4 |
Particulate Air Contaminants |
Mr. Stephen Nicholas |
Mr. Gaylon Richardson |
Member |
Y |
TC 5.3 |
Room Air Distribution |
Mr. Jose Palma |
Mr. Michael Conner |
Member |
Y |
TC 9.2 |
Industrial Air Conditioning |
Mr. Erich Binder |
Mr. Roger Lautz |
Member |
Y |
TC 9.6 |
Healthcare Facilities |
Mr. George Augustini |
Mr. James Coogan |
Research |
Y |
TC 9.10 |
Laboratory Systems |
Mr. Adam R Bare |
Mr. Philip Naughton |
Member |
Y |
TC 9.11 |
Clean Spaces |
Mr. Wei Sun |
Mr. Kevin Scarlett |
Member |
Y |
SSPC 170 |
Ventilation for Healthcare Facilities |
Mr. Daniel Doyle |
Member |
Y |
I2SL |
International Institute for Sustainable Laboratories |
Mr. Gordon Sharp |
Dr. Kenneth Mead |
Member |
Y |
The National Inst for Occupational |
Dr. James Bennett |
Mr. Thomas Smith |
Member |
Y |
American Industrial Hygiene Association |
Mr. Clifford Cooper |
Mr. James Coogan |
N |
Research Subcommittee Chair |
Dr. James Bennett |
N |
Program Subcommittee Chair |
Mr. Gary Goodson |
Webmaster |
N |
MTG.BIM will coordinate the activities of multiple TC/TG in the area of standards and approaches to support the implementation of BIM within ASHRAE products and within the industry workplace and will generate ASHRAE research. MTG-BIM will also represent ASHRAE interests within the BIM marketplace outside of ASHRAE and provide a conduit for funneling information about the BIM industry to ASHRAE members.
Name |
Position on MTG |
Voting |
Representing |
Robert Hitchcock |
Chair |
Y |
Self |
Elyse Malherek |
Vice Chair |
Y |
TC 7.1 |
Jennifer Lather |
Secretary |
Y |
University of Nebraska |
Chip Barnaby |
Member |
Y |
TC 4.7 |
Don Beaty |
Member |
Y |
TC 9.9 |
Eli Howard |
Member |
Y |
Malcolm Knight |
Member |
Y |
James Pegues |
Member |
Y |
TC 4.1 |
Stephen Roth |
Member |
Y |
TC 1.5 |
Christopher Wilkins |
Member |
Y |
Self |
Dru Crawley |
Alternate |
N |
TC 4.02 |
John Crosby |
Alternate #1 |
N |
TC 1.5 |
Richard J Dames |
Alternate |
N |
TC 7.3 |
Hywel Davies |
Alternate |
N |
Marcus Christensen Fich |
Alternate |
N |
Ronald E Wood |
Alternate |
N |
John Messner |
Alternate |
N |
Dustin Eric Jason Meredith |
liaison |
N |
TAC chair |
Carl F Huber |
liaison |
N |
Section Head |
Steven J Hammerling |
liaison |
N |
Staff Liaison |
Committee members are currently participating in development of ASHRAE Standards SPC 205 “Representation of Performance Data for HVAC&R and Other Facility Equipment” and SPC 224 “Standard for the Application of Building Information Modeling,” and updating ASHRAE Guideline 20-2010 (RA 2016) “Documenting HVAC&R Work Processes and Data Exchange Requirements.”
We are currently working on initiating further activities within ASHRAE to promote adoption of BIM techniques and technologies by ASHRAE members.
Our plans moving forward must include better coordination within ASHRAE and with ASHRAE and outside organizations plus engaging in a more proactive effort to attain a leadership position in the industry in the area of standards development for BIM.
ASHRAE RP-1801 Standardizing and Utilizing ASHRAE Online BIM Data Exchange Protocols was officially completed in 2020. This research project was based on Guideline 20 protocols and focused on Asset Management work processes.
MTG.BIM typically meets on Monday from 10:15 am to 12:00 pm during Society meetings. Web/Conf. call meetings are also scheduled as required between Society meetings.
MTG.CEA will coordinate TC/TG/TRG technical activities related to the design of indoor plant production facilities and their HVAC&R systems. The priority of the MTG will be coordinating communication and opportunities between and through each of the involved committees to align and provide an ASHRAE society stance and direction for the development of plant production facilities. There is an ASABE standard in development, X653, which focuses on environmental conditions for indoor plant production facilities. This ASHRAE MTG will help guide designers, engineers and owners on how to best design and select the HVAC&R systems and equipment given the conditions in that standard. The MTG would ensure that aspects related to energy efficiency, efficacy, and selection of optimum HVAC&R systems are well understood within ASHRAE.
Scope: The scope of this MTG includes areas of Cybersecurity relevant to HVAC and related systems, infrastructure, and interfaces, including industry standards, advocacy and education. The scope includes the entire lifecycle of buildings, including building planning, design, construction and operation. The MTG will be active in Program to fulfill advocacy and education. The MTG would contribute to the Handbook by coordinating information in the section on cybersecurity. The MTG would also be active in Publications by production of guideline documents to assist ASHRAE members in implementing and developing cybersecurity designs and practices.
MTG.EBO will coordinate the activities of multiple TC/TG/TRG and other stakeholders in the area of training and tools to support the operation of buildings to enhance the indoor environment and use energy effectively. Responsibility will include suggestions for research as well as development of technical programs and special publications on effective building operation for energy management.
The initial MTG roster includes Voting Representatives and Alternates for TCs 1.4 (Control Theory and Application), 7.3 (Operation and Maintenance Management) 7.8 (Owning and Operating Costs) and GPC 1.3 (Building Operation and Maintenance Training for the HVAC&R Commissioning Process)
Other TCs GPCs, and SPCs may also now wish to participate in this MTG with a Voting Representative and Alternate(s) given its scope and charge.
MTG.HCDG will coordinate TC/TG/TRG technical Activities to help support the development of the technical basis and adoption of the Hot Climate Design Guide. Responsibilities include suggestions for Research, Development and Presentations and special publications detailing aspects of the Hot Climate Design Guide.
MTG.HWBE will coordinate TC/TG/TRG technical activities related to enhanced health and wellness of the occupants in the built environment. The focus of the MTG will be to help to foster and expand internal and external organizational partnerships in this subject area, particularly with organizations developing green building rating systems (e.g., ASHRAE bEQ, LEED; WELL, Living Building Challenge; RESET, etc.) government agencies and research institutes. The objective of this coordination is to strengthen and improve the development and utility of these green building rating systems, to increase ASHRAE’s knowledge and expertise in this emerging field, and to become more effective in disseminating the results of research and practice in this field to ASHRAE members and others.
MTG.HWBE will bring together expertise from various ASHRAE groups (TC 1.12, TC 2.1, STD 55, EHC, STD 189, SSPC 62.1, SSPC 62.2 and others) and from other non-ASHRAE organizations (AIA, CDC, Google, GSA, Harvard CCHGE, IAQA, IEQ-GA, ILFI, ISHRAE, IWBI, NIBS, USGBC,) to work in close collaboration to achieve the following objectives:
Other TCs GPCs, and SPCs may also now wish to participate in this MTG with a Voting Representative and Alternate(s) given its scope and charge
MTG.LowGWP will coordinate TC/TG/TRG technical activities to help transition the HVAC&R industry to sustainable lower Global Warming Potential (GWP) alternative refrigerants. The MTG will further request participation from US DOE, AHRI, and others with shared goal. The MTG responsibilities include research, development and presentation of technical programs of all types on alternative lower GWP refrigerants, suggestions for Life Cycle Climate Performance (LCCP) systems evaluation for different applications, development of lower GWP solutions for different applications, and a special publication detailing aspects of LCCP applied to the HVAC&R fields.
This MTG will create a synergy between TCs working on advancing the HVAC&R state-of-the-art. The Members will coordinate the efforts undertaken by TCs 1.1, 1.3, 2.5, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.8, 6.3, 8.2, 8.4, 8.5, 8.7, 8.11, 10.1, and 10.7 plus SSPC 15, SSPC 34 and the work of AHAM, AHRI, U.L., and UNEP to investigate the performance of alternative refrigerants and refrigerant blends proposed by TC 3.1. The MTG will also work closely with TC 3.2 and TC 3.4 to ensure the compatibility of the new refrigerants with current and future systems. Furthermore, the MTG will coordinate the results obtained from research performed in different TCs with TCs 1.5, 2.5 and 4.1 to establish a standardized LCCP evaluation in order to ensure that the lower GWP refrigerants do not contribute more emissions indirectly. Results from the work coordinated by this MTG will be published in ASHRAE handbook chapters sponsored by different committees. The diversity of the MTG participating TC membership will result in stronger impact on the HVAC&R community and ensure faster and sustainable transition to environmentally friendly refrigerants.
Name |
Position on MTG |
Voting |
Representing |
Members |
Jim Wolf |
Chair |
Y |
Bill McQuade |
Vice-Chair |
Y |
Mike Vaughn |
Secretary |
N |
Brian Fricke |
Research Co-chair |
n/a |
TC 10.7 |
Phillip Johnson |
Research Co-chair |
n/a |
TC 8.2 |
Doug Tucker |
Codes & Stds. Subc. Chair |
n/a |
TC 8.7 |
Danny Halel |
Program Chair |
n/a |
TC 3.8 |
Jason Robbins |
Member |
Y |
Samuel Yana-Motta |
Member |
Y |
SSPC 34 |
Dennis Dorman |
Member |
Y |
SSPC 15 |
Raymond Rite |
Member |
Y |
TC1.1 |
Omar Abdelaziz |
Member |
Y |
TC 1.3 |
Larry Burns |
Member |
Y |
TC 2.5 |
Barbara Minor |
Member |
Y |
TC 3.1 |
Thomas Leck |
Member |
Y |
TC 3.2 |
Marc Scancarello |
Member |
Y |
TC 3.3 |
Joseph Karnaz |
Member |
Y |
TC 3.4 |
Danny Halel |
Member |
Y |
TC 3.8 |
Roy Crawford |
Member |
Y |
TC 6.3 |
Philip Johnson |
Member |
Y |
TC 8.2 |
Vikrant Aute |
Member |
Y |
TC 8.4 |
Steven Eckels |
Member |
Y |
TC 8.5 |
Dermot McMorrow |
Member |
Y |
TC 8.7 |
Dutch Uselton |
Member |
Y |
TC 8.11 |
Doug Scott |
Member |
Y |
TC 10.1 |
Brian Fricke |
Member |
Y |
TC 10.7 |
Randy Cooper |
Member |
Y |
Xudong Wang |
Member |
Y |
Danielle Wright |
Member |
Y |
Brian Rodgers |
Member |
Y |
U.L. |
Shamila Nair-Bedouelle |
Member |
Y |
26 total voting |
Alternates |
Charles Hon |
Alternate #1 |
N |
Chris Seeton |
Alternate #1 |
N |
SSPC 34 |
Sean Cunningham |
Alternate #2 |
N |
SSPC 34 |
Greg Scrivener |
Alternate #1 |
N |
SSPC 15 |
Sankar Padhmanabhan |
Alternate #1 |
N |
TC 1.1 |
S. M. Sami |
Alternate #2 |
N |
TC 1.1 |
Satheesh Kulankara |
Alternate #1 |
N |
TC 1.3 |
Evraam Gorgy |
Alternate #2 |
N |
TC 1.3 |
John Karakash |
Alternate #1 |
N |
TC 2.5 |
Steve Kujak |
Alternate #1 |
N |
TC 3.1 |
Bob Richard |
Alternate #2 |
N |
TC 3.1 |
Greg Linteris |
Alternate #3 |
N |
TC 3.1 |
Kenji Takizawa |
Alternate #4 |
N |
TC 3.1 |
Bob Low |
Alternate #5 |
N |
TC 3.1 |
Sonny Sundaresan |
Alternate #1 |
N |
TC 3.2 |
Alan Cohen |
Alternate #2 |
N |
TC 3.2 |
Chris Seaton |
Alternate #1 |
N |
TC 3.4 |
Danny Halel |
Alternate #2 |
N |
TC 3.4 |
Mark Adams |
Alternate #1 |
N |
TC 3.8 |
Kevin Mercer |
Alternate #1 |
N |
TC 6.3 |
Laurent Abbas |
Alternate #1 |
N |
TC 8.2 |
Ray Good |
Alternate #2 |
N |
TC 8.2 |
Yirong Jiang |
Alternate #1 |
N |
TC 8.4 |
Patrick Geoghegan |
Alternate #2 |
N |
TC 8.4 |
Chip Bowers |
Alternate #3 |
N |
TC 8.4 |
Satheesh Kulankara |
Alternate #1 |
N |
TC 8.5 |
Kashif Nawaz |
Alternate #2 |
N |
TC 8.5 |
Doug Tucker |
Alternate #1 |
N |
TC 8.7 |
Ankit Sethi |
Alternate #1 |
N |
TC 8.11 |
Dan Dettmers |
Alternate #1 |
N |
TC 10.1 |
Wayne Borrowman |
Alternate #2 |
N |
TC 10.1 |
Tim Anderson |
Alternate #1 |
N |
TC 10.7 |
Charles Hon |
Alternate #2 |
N |
TC 10.7 |
Masud Chowdhury |
Alternate #1 |
N |
Helen Walter-Terrrinoni |
Alternate #1 |
N |
Mark Skierkiewicz |
Alternate #1 |
N |
U.L. |
Ayman Eltalouny |
Alternate #1 |
N |
Liaisons |
Tom Justice |
Liaison |
N |
TAC Chair |
Carl Huber |
Liaison |
N |
MTG Section Head |
Michael R Vaughn |
Liaison |
N |
Staff Liaison |
Current Projects/ GoalsRP-1806 (Flammable Refrigerants Post-Ignition Simulation and Risk Assessment Update).Task 1 FLACS CFD Model improved and validated for use with flammable refrigerants Task 2 Validated CFD model (FLACS) will be used to simulate post-ignition combustion events involving flammable refrigerants leaked from HVAC&R equipment in residential and commercial applications. Task 3 Update risk assessment based upon results from RP-1806, prior research, and new research on topic, if available. Contractor: GEXCON US – P.I. Scott Davis Status: Task 1 (FLACS CFD Model improved and validated for use with flammable refrigerants) completed and PMS and P.I. deciding now how best to proceed with Task 2 and Task 3 given model results noted in Task 1. As a result, schedule has slipped significantly. Current P.I. /PMS plan to get project back on track is to add a new subtask to conduct a sensitivity test of the model inputs. Based upon those results, PMS and P.I. will decide if model is sufficient to proceed with Task 2 and then possibly Task 3. Current Contract Amount: $843,500 RP-1807 (Guidelines for Flammable Refrigerant Handling, Transporting, Storing and Equipment Servicing, Installation and Dismantling).Task 1 Review Requirements/Best Practices for A2/A2L/A3 Refrigerants from Countries Outside US Task 2 Review Relevant US Requirements/Standards Task 3 Develop Requirements/Guidelines for A2/A2L/A3 Refrigerants Task 4 Identify Testing to Confirm Proposed Requirements Task 5 Add to report same information collected on countries for Canada also Contractor: Navigant Consulting, Inc. – P.I. William J. Goetzler Status: Draft final report submitted by P.I. to PMS on Dec. 13, 2017. PMS is now considering final report for approval before sending to full MTG for approval vote. Current Contract Amount: $95,000 RP-1808 (Servicing and Installing Equipment using Flammable Refrigerants: Assessment of Field-made Mechanical Joints).Task 1 Identification and Selection of Joint Types Task 2 Review of Existing Joining Standards and Development of Method of Test Task 3 Development of Joint Evaluation Test Matrix Task 4 Joint Evaluation Task 5 Reporting Contractor: Creative Thermal Solutions, Inc. – Stefan Elbel Status: Draft final report submitted by P.I. to PMS on Apr. 26, 2018. PMS is now considering final report for approval before sending to full MTG for approval vote. Current Contract Amount: $115,000 |
January 13 & 16, 2019 Conference Minutes - Atlanta
June 24 and 27, 2018 Conference Minutes - Houston
January 21 and 24, 2018 Conference Minutes - Chicago - Draft
MTG.OBB coordinates TC/TG/TRG technical activities to help implement the recommendations from this MTG. This includes coordinating efforts in education, modeling, research, standards, marketing, advocacy, and fund raising within ASHRAE. Research project initiation as the sponsoring committee is included in the scope of this MTG.
Occupant behavior in buildings refers to occupants’ comfort preference, presence and movement, and interactions with building systems that have impact on performance (thermal, visual, acoustic, and IAQ) of buildings. The interactions include adjusting the thermostat settings, opening or closing windows, dimming or turning on/off lights, pulling up or down window blinds, switching on or off plug-loads, and consuming domestic hot water.
MTG.OBB sponsors and coordinates activities of related ASHRAE technical and standards committees to facilitate development of data, tools, technologies, and guidelines enabling integration of occupant behavior in the design, operation, and retrofit of new and existing commercial and residential buildings. The intent is that these products, focusing on the human dimension, may be used in the life cycle of buildings and potentially contribute to ASHRAE’s energy saving targets, by demonstrations of behavior-driven passive and active building designs and identification of energy saving opportunities from behavior measures. Within ASHRAE, the MTG coordinates activities to update related parts of ASHRAE Handbooks and Standards (particularly energy and indoor environmental calculations, standards 55, 62.1, 62.2, 90.1, 90.2 and 189.1), and to develop related education programs for buildings designers, operators and occupants. Outside of ASHRAE, the MTG monitors related activities (e.g. IEA EBC Annex 66, Annex 79) and represent ASHRAE interests where permitted to provide a conduit for related information transfer to ASHRAE members.
Name |
Position on MTG |
Voting |
Representing |
Members |
Tianzhen Hong |
Chair |
Yes |
Da Yan |
Vice Chair |
Yes |
Jared Langevin |
Secretary and Program Subcommittee Chair |
No |
Marina Sofos |
Member |
Yes |
Thomas Lawrence |
Member |
Yes |
TC 2.8 |
Jeff Haberl |
Member |
Yes |
TC 4.7 |
Julia Day |
Member |
Yes |
TC 7.3 |
Bing Dong |
Research Subcommittee Chair |
Yes |
TC 7.5 |
Rob Hitchcock |
Member |
Yes |
Glenn Friedman |
Member |
Yes |
SPC 100 |
Zheng O’Neill |
Member |
Yes |
Jay Zhao |
Member |
Yes |
SGPC 10 |
Sammy Meleika |
Member |
Yes |
Mini Malhotra |
Member |
Yes |
TC 4.3 |
Kimberly Barker |
Member |
Yes |
TC 1.4 |
Douglass Abramsow |
Member |
Yes |
TC 9.2 |
Frederick Marks |
Member |
Yes |
SGPC 10 |
Marianne Touchie |
Member |
Yes |
TC 2.1 |
Chien-fei Chen |
Interdisciplinary Subcommittee Chair |
Yes (Non-Quorum) |
Jim Lutz |
Member |
Yes (Non-Quorum) |
TC 6.6 |
Bjarne W. Olesen |
Member |
Yes (Non-Quorum) |
TC 2.1 |
Elyse Malherek |
Member |
Yes (Non-Quorum) |
TC 7.1 |
Clinton Andrews |
Member |
Yes (Non-Quorum) |
Khee Poh Lam |
Member |
Yes (Non-Quorum) |
William O’Brien |
Member |
No |
Annex 79 |
Abhijeet Pande |
Member |
No |
SSPC 55 |
Michael Jouaneh |
Member |
No |
SSPC 189.1 |
Dunstan Macauley |
Member |
No |
TC 2.8 |
Mark Zoeteman |
Member |
No |
TC 4.7 |
William Bahnfleth |
Member |
No |
TC 4.7 |
Gary Klein |
Member |
No |
TC 6.6 |
Mudit Saxena |
Member |
No |
Ed Arens |
Member |
No |
SSPC 55 |
Don Horn |
Member |
No |
SSPC 189.1 |
Michel Tardif |
Member |
No |
TC 7.1 |
John Elson |
Member |
No |
TC 2.1 |
Bew Schoenbaver |
Member |
No |
TC 6.6 |
Tom Justice |
Member |
No |
Chair TAC |
Carl Huber |
Member |
No |
MTG Section Head |
Gang Tang |
Member |
No |
TC 4.10 |
Ongoing Research Projects:
Active Work Statements:
Active RTAR:
The committee proposed and sponsored two seminars at each ASHRAE conferences for the last 6 years. A few recent seminars sponsored by the committee are:
The committee also proposed a seminar for the 2021 Building Performance Analysis Conference (BPAC):
The outreach activities of the committee involve collaborating with the research activities under the International Energy Agency’s Energy in Buildings and Communities Programme:
All the meeting minutes are posted at the Basecamp.
MTG.RAC will coordinate and oversee the creation of an ASHRAE/UNEP Guide for Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning (RAC) Plant Assessments. The Guide aims to be an international reference for the safe and sustainable operation and maintenance of air-conditioning and refrigeration plants, with special focus on developing markets. The Guide is to form the basis of tools that will verify compliance to recommended practices that can be verified through a point-based qualification or verification scheme. The work will be a cooperative effort with United Nations Environment due to the critical need for such guidance in the developing world with availability of UNEP funding to offset authoring expenses.
MTG.RES will coordinate TC/TG/TRC activities related to resilience including promoting the ASHRAE definition of “resilience”, finalizing a roadmap for ASHRAE to follow, prioritizing activities, and providing guidance to functional groups regarding developing their resilience plans. The MTG will develop documents as necessary to formalize resilience concepts and procedures.
This MTG will create a synergy between TCs working on advancing ASHRAE activities related to resilience. The Members will coordinate the efforts undertaken by the following TC’s and other organizations: 2.5, 2.7, 2.8, 2.10, 4.2 and 4.3. Other TC’s and functional groups and organizations that could be included for potential membership include: 2.1, 4.4, 9.6, 9.7 and 9.9, SSPC 189.1, Oak Ridge National Lab, NREL, FEMA, DOD, DOE, USGBC, and FOCUS.
Results from the work coordinated by this MTG will be published in ASHRAE handbook chapters and influence the standards/guidelines sponsored by the represented technical committees. The diversity of the MTG participating TC membership will result in stronger impact on the HVAC&R community and ensure faster acceptance of the concepts of Building Resilience.
Scope: MTG.VIC will coordinate: efforts for the following TCs to support the work of The Epidemic Task Force (ETF) formed by the Environmental Health Committee: TCs 1.12, 2.1 2.4, 2.9, 4.3, TRG4, 5.3, 5.5, 5.11, 9.3, 9.6, 9.7, 9.8.
One member of each of these TCs shall constitute a Ventilation Board from which panels are created to perform typical TC duties in support of the ETF. Panels may use the membership of their respective TCs to perform these duties. The voting members of the MTG will select a panel from the Ventilation Board to form PES and PMS teams for conducting research, or to prepare special publications.